Feeling down? Take our free PHQ-9 depression test. This brief depression quiz helps you evaluate your emotional well-being, understand depression symptom severity, and gain valuable insights. Start now and take a step towards better well-being.
We all experience highs and lows in life — moments of joy and times when we feel down.
Feeling sad sometimes is natural, but when those feelings persist and seem impossible to shake, it might be a sign of depression.
Depression can look different for everyone. Remember, you are not alone, and recognizing these symptoms is the first step towards finding support.
How It Works?
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Who Is This Quiz For?
This brief depression test helps anyone who feels they may be experiencing symptoms of depression. If you often feel sad, lack energy, or lose interest in activities you once loved, participating in this depression test could provide clarity.
How Accurate Is It?
The PHQ-9 depression test is not a definitive tool and is not designed to replace an assessment by a practitioner. However, it can be a helpful self-screening tool for tracking changes over time.
While this depression test offers insights, it’s not a replacement for a professional assessment. If your results indicate possible depression, contacting a qualified practitioner is vital.